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#0047 A-Year-of-Good-News_cover_web-655x655

A Year of Good News

16,90 €
Are you one of those who feel that last year we had more than our fair share of bad news? Animated film maker Martin Smatana found an original way of cheering up his friends in these difficult times: every week he picked a “good news” story from around the world and illustrated it with a happy image that he fashioned from used fabrics. We hope that this book, featuring 52 illustrated good news stories, will put a smile on your face as well.„At the beginning of the pandemic, I had to figure out some sort of distraction that inspired me. From week to week, I found one piece of good news from around the world and made a picture of it.“

O autoroch

Martin Smatana

Martin Smatana (born 1991 in Zilina, Slovakia) is a graduate of Animation at FAMU Film School in Prague, Czech Republic. His debut movie Rosso Papavero (2015) had premiere at Berlinale 2015, was screened at more than 200 film festivals and received 15 international awards. Martin’s last movie The Kite had its premiere at Berlinale 2019. The Kite was selected to the semifinals of Student Oscar Academy Awards and was included in the Film Collection of MoMA (Museum of Modern Art in New York). The Kite was released in cinemas of several European countries. So far the film was screened at more than 150 festivals and won 65 international awards, including Best Children Film at the Annecy festival and Best short film for children at Stuttgart Film Festival.

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Rychlé porovnání

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16,90 €
16,90 €
14,90 €
12,90 €
Are you one of those who feel that last year we had more than our fair share of bad news? Animated film maker Martin Smatana found an original way of cheering up his friends in these difficult times: every week he picked a “good news” story from around the world and illustrated it with a happy image that he fashioned from used fabrics. We hope that this book, featuring 52 illustrated good news stories, will put a smile on your face as well.„At the beginning of the pandemic, I had to figure out some sort of distraction that inspired me. From week to week, I found one piece of good news from around the world and made a picture of it.“ Nevonia ti matika? Nevadí! Počty sa predsa dajú naučiť aj inak. A ešte sa pri tom aj skvelo zabaviť! Pozývame ťa do knihy plnej rébusov a prekvapení, v ktorej môžeš ľudí nielen rátať, ale aj pozorovať, čo robia, prežívať s nimi ich malé drámy a tiež sledovať, ako sa ich príbehy navzájom preplietajú. Ak patríš medzi nenapraviteľných zvedavcov a hľadíš na svet s očami dokorán, táto kniha je práve pre teba. Pozeraj sa poriadne, možno v nej nájdeš aj seba! Let’s dive into a magic river filled with stories! Let’s swim down the Danube, from the Black Forest to the Black Sea with the legendary beluga sturgeon, the largest fish in the river as our guide. She will tell us everything she knows. Let’s get to know the Danube and protect it so that it doesn’t remain just a fairytale. Toto je príbeh Mauglího a jeho priateľov múdreho pantera Baghíru, ufrflaného medveďa Bálúa a pytóna-filozofa Káa. Mauglí sa snaží nájsť svoje miesto v občas nepriateľskej džungli, kde sa musí postaviť zoči-voči neľútostnému tigrovi Šer Chánovi. V dedine musí zase pochopiť tých, čo sa mu podobajú, a ich pochabosť… Majstrovské dielo Rudyarda Kiplinga prerozprávala pre najmenších Véronique Ovaldé a nádherne ho ilustroval Laurent Moreau.
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